Saturday, 28 February 2009

off subject 2 >(suPAr slid3)<

on A a one fine day when it was rAinin', COLD, freeZING, sHivering, something ThAT make your nose runny, well ItWAS A GOOd day like a fine day it was. It WAS the Day before school opens, tItous stops attacking people becoz we now know wat he waNTS, not just that the house is cleaner than it was before, afIQ doing HIS homEworK AT the lASt day of HOLIDAY, nice boy he is. Afi DESIGNin, taLKIN, eatin, SITTIn, REadin, u know what he do rite??? Asri CHattin, chaATTIN, chatTIN, AND OF COURse eatiN. Of couRSE it WAS rAInin, no ONE want To go OUT at the MOMENT, itS raiNIN COLD outside!!!

when The RAIN stoPPED and Start IT WEt the floor OF the BAlcony, so IT was a bit sliPPERY, THAT u might tHInk we're FLOATING, to tell YOU the truth ITS coLD, tHE WAter was FREEzing not UNTIll we wiped IT off, it WAS good Fun.


THE story Goes LIKE this "ONce upon a WET, COLD, FREEZING, 0 DEGREES celcius temperature and so on, there live 3 heroes. the first one was medium, normal size, male gendre, and intellectual, second was tall, average size for people, male gendre and of course..... , the last one was short but tall for them becoz he was young, IDK size, male gendre and good with the ladies.

IT was a good DAY AT THeir land because it was normally WET, COLD, FREEZING, 0 DEGREES celcius temperature and so on, and it is also a good time to slide. SO the plan is....

to be continued...

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