As we are human being, thinking is not prevented, it is never to be censored in the history of man, except for talking. What we are saying is that lots of people now days, act. By which we mean, act before self-acting, by which we also mean, thinking through the act by which will be made. As a result of act, things happen, by which we also mean may lead to sumthin unexpected, meaning something that we expected didn't come, or things just didn't go to plan as a result of act.
Succulent part...
Money tends to blind people, this wat they do, nothing else, if you want to argue, just do. For the people who think, money is only a mere tool to survive this money thirst world, for the deep thought people, they tend to not use the money, to get far away from the world, being happy with nature.
The tItle...
when we are moving forward, there is always an obstacle, like an obstacle course, you need to do the obstacle in order to finish the course. what we are saying here is if you want to win keep movin' forward, don't get anything in the way. This also mean, the title, if we can relate it to the succulunt part, don't get money in your way in doing something.
to contradict my ideas in introduction, to act means to do, to do means to move, to move means to live, as you go deeper in the meaning, it will become better. Basically, to act means to live, if u don't act you are a living dead, in other words u don't need to think to live, it's nature. But thinking of life itself is a big thing, because by doing this you will appreciate life more.
SUm ar...
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