Sunday, 28 December 2008


first thing this cool link below:
watch that movie....

we've read reviews in magazines about this twilight but we simply ignore it coz it's just a minor advertisement that people usually do to advertise....

we also took some reviews from the link too just to show how bad is the movie....

Okay so yeah.. I read the first book and liked pages 3OO+. LOLOL. It's so true.. EVERY girl and eventually every guy goes crazy over Twilight. I watched the movie before I actually read it, and I thought it was ridiculous. Cheap budget movie. Acting was pretty baddd. CONTACTS! LOLOL.I'm still going to read the rest of the series, but I really don't think it's necessary to go crazy over fiction lovey dovey romance.Especially at school... Every 2 people have twilight books in their hand, and everyone's always like OH EM GEE EDWARD!! >:lit's raelly annoying.I lvoe this video, it speaks the truth. DxThe whole time I watched the movie, I thought it was crap. It was absolutely pointless. Robert Pattinson sucks. :D<3

I can relate to this movie I saw twlight with 4 chicks thinkn no film can be a bad film if im with 4 girls... right. I WAS SO WRONG! Twilght was so damm boring! and worst of all my friends got 9 meter long posters to take home that day so everytime im there I get rememind of that boring piece of shit... Anyway be prepared theres 2 more twilight films comming new moon and eclipse ... and ill save youu the time and money by ruining the ending.
THE CHICK TURNS INTO A VAMPIRE ( lame ending I no but i just saved you about £20 in movie tickets and about 4 hours of your time )
Anyway after my looong rant about twighlt the flash rocked same happend when i saw it sept i was next to the chicks making all the noise and i new them all...

so as u guyz or gals see twilight is such a wasted movie even with the highest grossing and all star wars is so better....

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