Sunday, 28 December 2008


first thing this cool link below:
watch that movie....

we've read reviews in magazines about this twilight but we simply ignore it coz it's just a minor advertisement that people usually do to advertise....

we also took some reviews from the link too just to show how bad is the movie....

Okay so yeah.. I read the first book and liked pages 3OO+. LOLOL. It's so true.. EVERY girl and eventually every guy goes crazy over Twilight. I watched the movie before I actually read it, and I thought it was ridiculous. Cheap budget movie. Acting was pretty baddd. CONTACTS! LOLOL.I'm still going to read the rest of the series, but I really don't think it's necessary to go crazy over fiction lovey dovey romance.Especially at school... Every 2 people have twilight books in their hand, and everyone's always like OH EM GEE EDWARD!! >:lit's raelly annoying.I lvoe this video, it speaks the truth. DxThe whole time I watched the movie, I thought it was crap. It was absolutely pointless. Robert Pattinson sucks. :D<3

I can relate to this movie I saw twlight with 4 chicks thinkn no film can be a bad film if im with 4 girls... right. I WAS SO WRONG! Twilght was so damm boring! and worst of all my friends got 9 meter long posters to take home that day so everytime im there I get rememind of that boring piece of shit... Anyway be prepared theres 2 more twilight films comming new moon and eclipse ... and ill save youu the time and money by ruining the ending.
THE CHICK TURNS INTO A VAMPIRE ( lame ending I no but i just saved you about £20 in movie tickets and about 4 hours of your time )
Anyway after my looong rant about twighlt the flash rocked same happend when i saw it sept i was next to the chicks making all the noise and i new them all...

so as u guyz or gals see twilight is such a wasted movie even with the highest grossing and all star wars is so better....

Friday, 12 December 2008

think first before....

plz don't think any of these video is funny coz it definitely hurts...
first one is a guy on a longboard...

this is a lesson to us all and plz don laugh ok...another example but with a skate boarder...

plz don't do this at home... and again it really hurts.. this time it's the pro but they didn't get hurt or sort they just fell with style y'all...

that is enuff for now... and we all think u get what we meant by this video...
it is to set an example to us all to be prepared and alert when accident may occur...
and also practise always make perfect especially on skateboard's tricks and also try to avoid speed wobbles coz it is scary...

Thursday, 11 December 2008

2 days+1 nite= new experience

new experience meaning cool experience not lvlin' up experience, new experience like:
  • survival experience
  • washin' up the old style experience
  • high errr sta, str, starv, dex, n many more experience
  • stayin up rite experience
  • and many more cool experience that u could imagine...

first of all,we went to a far far far far far far away place from home, it was so far even the farrest place could be called near.

what we learn from this visit to taba' or Sinai or Suez governorate is....


another thing is trust a word that only people understand not animal...

1 last thing to say waiting is what normal people do, wasting is what lazy people do, spending and using is what smart people normally do when they are lazy...

Sunday, 30 November 2008

D!3e sT437!ng !!!!!!!!!!!!

first of all... smile, ehem2, testing2, 1,2,3 ok...

Dice stacking is a performance art, from which the stacker scoops the dice with a cup of any type from any surfaces he/she wants and with a super cool move the stacker will stacks the dice into a vertical column via centrifugal force. In other words, inertia, please people I hope you know what inertia means, ok basically inertia is the tendency of all objects to resist a change in motion. It is directly proportional to an objects mass. The heavier the object is, the more inertia it has and it would keep going forever if it was in a frictionless environment. Another way to put it is inertia is how much an object will resist a change of velocity. its physic lesson again...
so basically dice stacking is pretty much hard in a way that people will not find because it is hard...
u'll need plenty of practise to stack a dice and don't use your hand to stack it use a cup or sort...
just type in dice stacking in youtube and you'll find loads of stuff there...
(p/s: we can't provide anything evidential proof that we've stacked dice but please believe us we are seriously not lyin to you guyz)

Thursday, 27 November 2008

god's algorithm(plz read even if it is long)

relates to rubik's cube... have fun reading

Cube maths

The cube in numbers

A standard ‘3x3x3’ Rubik’s Cube has 6 coloured sides, 21 pieces and 54 outer surfaces.

This means there are more than 43 quintillion possible configurations, or 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 to be exact. But there is only one solution.

"God’s algorithm is the name given to the formula for solving the cube in the least possible number of moves."

Allowing a second for each turn, it would take 1400 trillion years to go through all the possible configurations. By comparison, the universe is around 13 billion years old.

Widely used in schools and universities, the Rubik’s Cube can help explain complex particle physics and mathematical algorithms.

‘God’s algorithm’ is the name given to the formula for solving the cube in the least possible number of moves. Scientists put this figure at 25.

The mathematics of the 3x3 Cube

Writing of mathematical equations

As the centre pieces of each face of the Cube do not move, the total number of possible configurations is calculated by multiplying the number of possible arrangements of the corner pieces by the number of possible arrangements of edge pieces.

There are 8 corner pieces, so the number of possible arrangements equals 8! (or 8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1), which is 40320. Each corner piece has 3 different orientations, so this figure must be multiplied by 38 (3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3), which equals 6561. But when the Cube is almost complete, the number of possible moves diminishes, so the equation must be adjusted. In this case, once the second from last corner piece is placed, the last piece can have only one automatic orientation, so 6561 must be divided by 37, which is 2187. Finally, the total possible arrangements of corner pieces

40320 x 2187 = 88,179,840.

With the 12 Edge Pieces, the number of possible arrangements equals 12! (12x11x10…), which is 479,001,600. However, unlike corner pieces, it is impossible to exchange just two edge pieces, so once the third from last is placed, the remaining two can have only one possible arrangement, which means this figure must be divided by 2, leaving 239,500,800. Each edge piece has two different orientations, so this must now be multiplied by 212, which gives 6561. This figure must also be adjusted because once the third from last edge piece is placed, one of the remaining two can be reoriented but the last will always have a fixed orientation in relation to it. So 6561 must be divided by 211, which is 2048. Finally, the total possible arrangements of edge pieces

239,500,800 x 2048 = 490,497,638,400.

So the total possible arrangements of Rubik's Cube

88,179,840 x 490,497,638,400 = 43,252,003,274,489,856,000.

Or, to put it another way,

4.3 times 10 to the power of 19.

(p/s: just read it ok, it done no harm to your brain)

Sunday, 23 November 2008

night session...

The time is 2 o'clock in the morning, and that time is the time we want and that time is now. The concrete wave is calling us like crazy, the wave can't wait for us to surf on it. When we are on the wave, the wave kills us and it was bogus, speed wobble happens and we like it. No injuries, but lots of fun. It was dark,we couldn't see anything, only the moonlight that shine with the help of the sun. No matter, the wave is calling, dogs are howling, cars horning, bumping and we're surfing. Fun morning, moaning lots of time, as time flew by we had conquer the wave. People eyes' staring, looking, watching, fills with curiousity and question.

The sound, the sound the wheel spinning, rolling on the wave, sound of the bearing, slowly rusting, and the sound of the heart thumping with adreanaline as going down the wave. The big wave was slowly appearing, suddenly a hole appears, with quick turning we avoid it. It was a ghostly town, without people on the streets, no noise coming from people but noise coming from our wheels,a 52 mm wheels and our abec 3 and 7, positive bearing. Racing, surfing, slaloming, carving, pushing the board. Never we were remind of time, just reminded of fun.

otomans: the beginning...

bla, bla, bla, bla, bla... etc.... ok that's the end... fin...

otomans consist of only 3 people, no more, no less and we don't want people to join us, 3 is enough for now. Afi is the leader, Asri is the co-leader and Afiq is the co- ordinator. This is not true we otomans don't care about position, we are equal to each other, each people have their own strength and weakness and so do we. The group otomans is founded on the summer of 2008 by mr.afiq,mr.afi and mr.asri basically because they have nothing to do during the time. Main aim for this group is spending most of the time of our short life just for fun that may hel the environment, but we always remember to pray, go to the mosque, reading books, and more stuff that people do. We think that everything is fun and good but not the really bad stuff like you know what.

What We Do
Mostly we do all the kraziest of stuff, nothing else just kraziest of stuff. We stick to nike caption thingy "just do it" and we just do it. Krazy meaning crazy, funky, oldschool, projects, fun, saving the world, and even the boring stuff. Saving the world is our main aim, we make stuff by using old stuff that people will never ever used. For example, if we found some box in the big rubbish bin we take it, make something out of it, turn it into something kewl and use it, for the good of people. So basically what we do is krazy yet saving the world at the same time. SAVE THE EARTH PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What we've done
As you had seen from our previous post we have basically done:
  • longboard
  • the dawg mask
  • cool art
  • water rocket(planning)
  • setting a world record for tony hawk underground 2
  • this blog maybe
  • video
  • and many more

There is lots of stuff that we are planning to do just for fun, so that we don't waste our time. We don't like this thing called wasting even with food, if we are full we still eat to the last drop. We like competition because that just normal for a human even the nerdiest of nerd still compete with each other who read the most. What we have to say is this...

stop wasting time people!!!!

last of word

To sum it all, otomans is group that is created to spent our minute of life to the deepest of fun. No wasting. No killing trees. No sad faces. No killing. No smoking. Just say no to all bad things okay. One more thing to say don't join our group and also a bad man is a good man and so is everyone we just need to be in their shoe to realise this, never think bad stuff about people because we have more weaknesses than others, if we know they are bad people, just pray to god to open their eyes and see what they are doing which is bad for you guyz, or you could always persuade them. Lastly what we want to say is....





Wednesday, 22 October 2008


After accomplished finishing our first longboard, and sell ou first longboard. We have decided to make a mini longboard, because making a longboard is just to boring and it take a long time to build. We want to make a mini longboard because it is easy to build, its look cool, we want to something easy to carry around and can be put in a backpack. We also want a mini because we want to try slalom.

Monday, 13 October 2008

Rubik's cube

Rubik's cube is a puzzle cube invented by an architect, named Erno Rubik's. Me(Afi )and Me(Afiq ) has been playing the cube for one year rite now. It took Me(Afi) 4 days to learn to solve using his imagination, while Me(Afiq) took 1 week to solve it because he was been teach by (Afi).

Our first average record was 4 minutes and 36 after playing for one year we have achieved of an average record 1 minutes and 14 seconds

Saturday, 11 October 2008


after the last summer...we have finished our longboard, since we are capable making longboard we have decided to make business by selling longboard (in skewl)....
we also sell malaysian food to the student sometimes, since malaysian food are popular at skewl... roughly we gained about 100 pounds per months....but if someone order a longboard we gained more.... to us this is like an achievement, since we're making money without our parents....

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Our first longboard

Before the summer we had a lot project that we want to do during summer. One of the project that finish first among all of the project was the 'Longboard'.


  • tracker 7.5" trucks

  • 28" long

  • 8" wide

  • adjustable truck setup for carving/downhill

  • bee knee's wheel 65mm 83a dr=uro

  • dropwedge deck


  • made from 5 ply of maple birch maltic and 5 normal plywood

  • 10mm thickness

  • very flexible

  • can withstand 160 kg

  • cruising

  • sliding

  • downhill

  • carving