Saturday, 28 February 2009
off subject 2 >(suPAr slid3)<
when The RAIN stoPPED and Start IT WEt the floor OF the BAlcony, so IT was a bit sliPPERY, THAT u might tHInk we're FLOATING, to tell YOU the truth ITS coLD, tHE WAter was FREEzing not UNTIll we wiped IT off, it WAS good Fun.
THE story Goes LIKE this "ONce upon a WET, COLD, FREEZING, 0 DEGREES celcius temperature and so on, there live 3 heroes. the first one was medium, normal size, male gendre, and intellectual, second was tall, average size for people, male gendre and of course..... , the last one was short but tall for them becoz he was young, IDK size, male gendre and good with the ladies.
IT was a good DAY AT THeir land because it was normally WET, COLD, FREEZING, 0 DEGREES celcius temperature and so on, and it is also a good time to slide. SO the plan is....
to be continued...
Friday, 27 February 2009
off subject >( kiLlEr cAt)<
oNCe upon a time, at place so near to you, near as an air, there live a cat named TiTUos ( this what i call it). HE is big as a lion could be, never loose to any tiger, and can sleep longer than a couch potato. HE is also darkish-grayish-blackish-whitish dark cat, a foot-killer we can say, HE is also good at arm wrestling especially when he scracth'em. Have this strong eye glare that may confuse people on what he wants, and is a pain in the bathroom. BUt he is a good cat to sleep on, that is if you prefer another mat cat like him.
Right now, he is sleeping, or somewhere in the house, he is really good at hiding because of his colour that enables him to camouflage. OK, here we go, the story goes like this, before the day that comes, tituos came, and he said "PLAY the best song in the world", and we said "no, it's not for sale", then Titous attacked us, but before that happens, he told us something "I'm starving". We figure that the reason why he attack us was because he was hungry or starving. When he suprisingly attack us, AfI saves AsRi by using AFIq's body, because of this two members of otomans DieD. they LEt aSri live because of a reason, it is because HE have Too MAny GFs, though afIQ didn't have time to
aFter a while, Asri brought The F00d back, when does that TitOus realise that his time will come, and quickly transform into a bIGGER cat than he Was BEfore, and attack Asri. LuckilY, aSri was lucky, to have his lucky something but lucky and force to push Titous BackwaRD AND MAKe him look as if He WAS doing a running man. This was to Stall Titous, beCAuse he was surely fierce as A DraGon, and HAVE a sUper stRong roar. Again ASri snapped out a kNife and stabbed SometHing HaRD, lIquid thing sTart to DRippeD aND it Was reD, like The Colour of blood in the rainbow.
When aFIQ anD afi Was back From tHE beD, it WAS pizza aLL over. tHEy took A look at What was GoinG on, And what they Found were TwO FIGure, one STANdING up, and thE other doing something that they caN'T figure out. When they took An extRa CAUtious look it WAS tiTouS eating, and asri standing.
They WEre so Happy That they found fairy Tail Happy end DO EXIST, EXCEPT fOR tHE fact That ThEre isn't any end to it... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....
(P/S: NO animals were harm or eaten or something during the process of writing this thing up, so just sit down an tune in for more live action, peace out y'all)
Thursday, 26 February 2009
the foe,ward...
As we are human being, thinking is not prevented, it is never to be censored in the history of man, except for talking. What we are saying is that lots of people now days, act. By which we mean, act before self-acting, by which we also mean, thinking through the act by which will be made. As a result of act, things happen, by which we also mean may lead to sumthin unexpected, meaning something that we expected didn't come, or things just didn't go to plan as a result of act.
Succulent part...
Money tends to blind people, this wat they do, nothing else, if you want to argue, just do. For the people who think, money is only a mere tool to survive this money thirst world, for the deep thought people, they tend to not use the money, to get far away from the world, being happy with nature.
The tItle...
when we are moving forward, there is always an obstacle, like an obstacle course, you need to do the obstacle in order to finish the course. what we are saying here is if you want to win keep movin' forward, don't get anything in the way. This also mean, the title, if we can relate it to the succulunt part, don't get money in your way in doing something.
to contradict my ideas in introduction, to act means to do, to do means to move, to move means to live, as you go deeper in the meaning, it will become better. Basically, to act means to live, if u don't act you are a living dead, in other words u don't need to think to live, it's nature. But thinking of life itself is a big thing, because by doing this you will appreciate life more.
SUm ar...
Thursday, 12 February 2009
LoNg StoRy SHorT...
Well we're going to use it as well, in a way...
To make a really long story short, we have a REALLY big exam coming sooner than later. To make a really short story long, we like it.
This BIG exam coming probably 43% decide our future, coz we know grades doesn't decide our future, but if we get bad grades the probability of getting a bright future is 13%. 43% is not that much if compare to 50% or 60%, our future lay in our hand, metaphorically of course. So what we are planning to do is 'NOT' to study hard NOR study smart, we're going to study in our own super special way, which far more efficient than anyone could think of.
Friday, 6 February 2009
goin' t3ETh
one thing to understand,don't kill the mockingbird let it live a peaceful life, but kill all the blue jays you want if you can
solving a Rubik's cube is not easy, there is two choice for this memorize it if you are able to, understand it if u must
falling down from a longboard doesn't mean it is the end, stand up, and just keep moving forward, even if you fall once more, repeat as what is told
living in the past is a waste
living in the future is a waste
living in the present isn't
Monday, 2 February 2009
the Pixies!!!
linking loading patiencelink to diff place
introduction of band
Combining jagged, roaring guitars and stop-start dynamics with melodic pop hooks, intertwining male-female harmonies and evocative, cryptic lyrics, the Pixies were one of the most influential American alternative rock bands of the late '80s. The Pixies weren't accomplished musicians -- Black Francis wailed and bashed out chords while Joey Santiago's lead guitar squealed out spirals of noise. But the band were inventive, rabid rock fans that turned conventions inside out, melding punk and indie guitar rock, classic pop, surf rock, and stadium-sized riffs with singer/guitarist Black Francis' bizarre, fragmented lyrics about space, religion, sex, mutilation, and pop culture; while the meaning of his lyrics may have been impenetrable, the music was direct and forceful.
forming of band
The Pixies were formed in Boston, MA, in 1986 by Charles Thompson and his roommate, Joey Santiago. Born in California, Thompson began playing music as a teenager, before he moved to the East Coast during high school. Following graduation, he became an anthropology major at the University of Massachusetts. Half way through his studies at the college, he went to Puerto Rico to study Spanish, and after six months he decided to move back to the U.S. to form a band. Thompson dropped out of school and moved to Boston, managing to persuade Santiago to join him. Advertising in a music paper for a bassist who liked "Hüsker Dü and Peter, Paul & Mary," the duo recruited Kim Deal (who was billed as Mrs. John Murphey on the group's first two records), who had previously played with her twin sister Kelly in the folk-rock garage band the Breeders in her hometown of Dayton, OH. On the advice of Deal, the group recruited drummer David Lovering. Inspired by Iggy Pop, Thompson picked the stage name Black Francis and the group named itself the Pixies after Santiago randomly flipped through the dictionary.
p/s: what we basically want to tell you guyz is that we love this band so much coz u know from what is mention above their song is brief, powerful and forceful. just listen to the song and we bet your gonna love it!!!!!!!