Monday, 22 June 2009


As i mentioned before i will tell you what is the recipe ...
translation of the word "name of a dish componded of all kinds of dainties, fish, flesh, fowl, and sauces".

the dish is a fricassee, with 16 sweet and sour ingredients, including the following:
  • Fish slices
  • fish of the elasmobranchii subclass (a shark or a ray)
  • rotted dogfish or small shark's head
  • generally sharp-tasting dish of several grated and pounded together
  • silphion "laserwort", apparently a giant fennel [no clue what is it]
  • a kind of crab, shrimp, and crayfish
  • Honey poured down
  • wrasse (or thrush)
  • was top with a kind sea fish or blackbird
  • wood pigeon
  • domestic pigeon
  • chicken
  • roasted head of dabchick
  • hare, which could be kind of a bird or a sea hare
  • new wine boiled down
  • wing and/or fin
Ouzo has been cited as a 17th ingredient

p/s: sorry for the long title

Sunday, 21 June 2009

tHe looooooooooongest WORD in ENGLISH

To increase your general knowledge....we will tell you what is the longest word in English its so long that its has 189, 819 letter...this word is a chemical name for the largest protein called Titin yet discovered....its not included in dictionary...

the longest word in a dictionary is 43 letters it is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis this word is the third longest word

the 2nd longest word is a recipe ,the recipe we will talk about it later ,this word has 183 letter it is

the moment that u hav been waiting for the longest word [drum roll] ,here it is(all the orange letter is the word):

since the word is too long we will only give you the link

Monday, 15 June 2009

...aRt n' arG....

One More tImE,

(p/s: all the pictures inside this thread is the past picture nothing new, it is new to you guyz....)

the EnD is near....Ho hO ho....

ho ho ho, the end does not mean anything in particular to all of you guyz out there, what it means really is that, HOLIDAY is near and coming sooner and not later, ho ho ho...END here means we don't really know what we're going to do, we can't just simply do nothing for the next 3 months, its what they called NO LIFE kind of thing. When we mention we don't know what we're going to do, actually we know what we're going to do, we planned it, we organized it and we draft it. The problem is we're not committed in doing such things, because what we're doing will get us hanged ( its a simile).

If not hanged, injuries or sort, death is unwanting you know. We are going back to Malaysia like it or not we have to, we prefer staying in Egypt, however we must and are needed to go back to Malaysia it is our home place after all, other than that, it's the place where we will start our summer holiday, it is the place where we get our clothes supply for the years coming, it is the place where we see people fighting over an ice cream in malay, it is a place where we see people with cool shoes, it is the place where we see everything thats normal seems un normal...Believe it or not....

Before going back to Malaysia, we have organised a slalom competition( if you don't know what it is Wiki it please, no time to explain), and we're going to use this....

called OTOMANS after our small group, the competition will be joined by only 4 people, not that much right, well it's because only 5 people knows how to stand on a skateboard properly, the rest are just showing off that they know, 4 people know how to slalom, 1 know how to slide properly, each of these five have their own specialty so maybe the fifth just not in the mood you know, we can't force him , its against his will.......

this is just one of the example of what we are doing before we're going back to Malaysia there are more, but its a minor project so there's no point in posting it........
