Friday, 15 May 2009

....TiMe cOmeS aND it WiLL cerTainLY PasT.....

For US 3, the otomans it has been a relaxing and stressful months, it always been Like THIS, this is life, face it, get over it. Well for us it only begun and of course for everyone else too, the big exam had started, some study, some revise, some will relax of course they will ,we would. Relaxing is good, for example Afiq he only study or revise below 30 minutes time and takes a long time relaxing this is is strategy to understand things because while he is relaxing he is thinking. Afi takes a long time revising and relax little it maybe good for him but not good for others like afiq he couldn't revise long, Asri he is a bit balanced so that is ok......

the point we are making rite now is relaxing and revising helps your brain to work well, both is needed for the brain, it's brain food. We are on a tight time right now, and able to right this much on the blog, we are not up to date and certainly we are not monthly blog as well, there is just no time for us to log in and type....

at the time this is it, the backspace is not working so it is a bit stressful......